Rockstar agencies in the WordPress space extended their support to make WordCamp Manila 2023 happen by being our SILVER sponsors a.k.a our BONIFACIO heroes.
Their generous support is invaluable in making this event possible for our community in Metro Manila, Philippines 🎉 🇵🇭

DevriX is a full-service WordPress agency providing scalable, long-term technical partnerships along with marketing, and business consulting.
Make sure to meet and greet team DevriX at our WordCamp 🎉
Photo from

Hit Your Mark is a full suite digital marketing agency that helps businesses to grow at scale through leveraging innovative technologies, strategic playbooks, and seasoned expertise.
Make sure to meet and greet the team Hit Your Mark at their booth at our WordCamp 🎉
Photo is a screenshot from

No ticket yet? Go grab one now as there’s only few tickets left 🚨😬