November 11th 2023 | Bayview Park Hotel, Manila

Why is it important to not build but also maintain and nurture your local community

In this talk, Shusei will share about the basics of how to build a local WordPress community and share some topics that could be useful to create a strong local community.

WordPress Community itself is a global, world-wide community. We are able to use the software thanks to all the contributors around the world. But have we ever thought deeply about why we are able to use it in ones own language – say your mother tounge. This is all thanks to the “local” community member who has worked to not only translate but localize the whole project itself so that it would match the market.
And in order to make that process sustainable, we are facing the issues of not only building but maintaining the local community.
So what can we do to maintain and nurture the local community?
The talk will contain why it is important to host / attend WordCamps, Meetups, and related events and also why one should be involved in anyway they can.

– Why are we here today at WC Manila?
– How did you get to know this event?
– How are you involved in the WordPress Community?
– Have you hosted an event or any groups in local?
– Are you facing any difficulties?
– WordPress is 20 years old now. Let’s look at the next 20 years and brainstorm what it is that one can do.
– Think outside the box
– Let’s make the next 20 years awesome

*Note: The title may change

Shusei Toda